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My Open TabsA special, year-end message to give you a peek into the things I'm loving, learning, and doing to carry us into 2025.
How a Workers' Compensation Attorney Put Personality in Her PracticeOne of best ways to establish a personal brand and uniqueness in your business or practice is with a print newsletter.
What Happens When an Attorney Marketing Rock Star Gets Bored of MarketingRead the story of an attorney who completed the Brand Discovery Process to reposition his law firm and improve his marketing message.
Clever MarketingA good marketing message communicates the outcomes your market wants, the problem they’re trying to solve.
A "Quickie" Crash Course in Business World-Building by Ben SettleEmail Marketing Expert, Ben Settle, explains the concept of World-Building.
4 Book Design Principles That Can Destroy Your Marketing Message if Not Executed CorrectlyIf you’re thinking about publishing a book, make sure you know the ways it could easily be sabotaged by poor design, and how to avoid them.
What a Soda Can Allegory Teaches About the Number One Mistake in RebrandingIt’s story time, boys and girls.
The Key to Optimizing Your Marketing if You Don’t Know Where to StartFocus on what you’re good at.
The Secret Power of PositioningHow one key marketing element holds the power to drastically change how your market looks at you.
How 100+ Failed Job Applications Showed Me the New Lows in Human EffortThe bar is getting lower and lower to qualify as “average” these days. That makes it easier and easier to be above average — as long as you stay alert.
The Three Key Principles to Attract the Audience you Want (and Repel the Rest)Attracting an audience is easier said than done, but these 3 key marketing principles will help you enhance your market by narrowing it to a group that will actually listen to what you have to say — and get rid of the ones who won’t.
Three Ways to Make Your Audience Actually Buy the Stuff You SellSo you’ve attracted your potential clients — now you need to figure out how to sell them something they‘ll want to buy.