A Special Year-End Post

Kia and her daughter, Bahar, at the Festival of Lights in D.C.

For this special, year-end post, I’m looking at the 20+ open tabs on my browser to serve up an expanded edition of my Loving-Learning-Doing content to carry us into 2025…

And if you don’t have 20+ browser tabs open at once (on 3 different browser profiles), are you even human?

Here we go…


  • This book for my next read. An inspiring story of a surgeon fearlessly living out his purpose. 

  • The brand new release of this memoir from personal injury attorney and long-time Zine client, Chris Earley. SO proud of Chris for how far he has come in the last five years we've been working with him, and for being incredibly (and painfully) transparent about his journey. Get his memoir for a behind-the-scenes view of the remarkable work he has done that began with marketing his law firm to developing his brand to ultimately discovering his purpose. 

  • This Spotify playlist while doing focused work. If you haven't discovered frequency music yet, prepare for your life to change.


  • The 10 peculiar rules for making quantum leaps in preparation for setting more delusional goals for 2025. Because the hardest part of growth isn’t doing the work, it is battling the demons in your heart and mind. Dr. Price Pritchard is one of the best on this topic.


  • Fathom AI meeting notetaker. Always open, always referring to it. I can’t and don't want to remember life before it. 

  • Getting tickets to the Wizards game for me and my son. Fun family night if you're local. Cheaper than going to the movies. 

  • Getting bus tickets for a jaunt to NYC with the kids over the break, and meeting up with my 1st grade BFF there. (I talk about my early life in New York in this book.)

  • Attempting to make Christmas cookies with the fam. These recipes are totally adorable. 

Yes, these are all open tabs on my browser. The other 11+ tabs didn't make the cut to share with you. 

Finally...I appreciate each of you who has stuck with me this year and followed my zany ideas on email, LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram. I read and respond to every reply. Looking forward to great things for all in 2025….

Finally finally...

There is still time to sign up for our newsletter program and lock in 2024 rates. Every newsletter client receives a 90 minute brand discovery call with me so your newsletter is more than just nice, fluffy content, but captures your unique style and a message that lights you up and connects with your deeper purpose.

What does ZIne do? We help you get more clients who love you, stay with you, and tell others about you. We do this by helping you rediscover your core, unique message and how to share it with the people you want to have meaningful connections with. Our signature marketing programs are the tools we use to accomplish this. If this sounds like something you need, schedule a Vision Discovery Call for more information. 

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